Thinking about refinancing? As interest rates rise, so do the hurdles you need to clear.  Here’s why you might want to look at refinancing soon to avoid potentially missing out. 


When was the last time you refinanced?


If the answer is “never”, or you can’t actually remember, there’s a good chance you’re paying a higher interest rate than you could be due to the “loyalty tax”.  You see, the banks don’t think you’re paying attention, and as such, they only offer their lowest rates to new customers in a bid to win them over!


RateCity analysis found that customers who stay loyal to their bank could be hit with an extra $5,101 in interest over the next three years alone (based on a $500,000 loan taken out with CBA in 2019).


This is a big reason why owner-occupier refinancing across the country rose 9.7% in June to a new record high of $12.7 billion, according to the Australia Bureau of Statistics


Great. But why is refinancing now so important?


Ok, so when you refinance, your new lender must assess something called your “home loan serviceability”. Basically, that’s your ability to meet your home loan repayments at an interest rate that’s at least 3% above the rate you’re being offered.  So as interest rates go up, so too will the hurdle you’ll need to clear for home loan serviceability when refinancing. 


All in all, that means the sooner you refinance, the lower the hurdle you’ll need to clear to ensure you’re not stuck with your current rate and lender.


How to explore your refinancing options


This is the easy bit! Simply get in touch and we’ll help you get the ball rolling. And even if you don’t’ want to refinance with another lender, there’s always the option of asking your current lender to review your rate, indicating that you’re prepared to refinance if they don’t come to the table.  After all, loyalty should be a two-way street!


So if you’d like to find out more about what options are available to you, give us a call or flick us an email today – we want to help you through the period ahead as much as we possibly can!