Stamp Duty Explained

Stamp Duty Explained

Stamp duty is a charge which is applied by state governments in Australia on transactions relating to the transfer of land or property. It is paid upfront and needs to be budgeted for in addition to your loan deposit. The amount of stamp duty you are required to pay...
Explainer – Home Loan Pre-approval

Explainer – Home Loan Pre-approval

Explainer: Home loan pre-approval For those getting ready to stride into the world of home ownership, the uncertainties of pre-approval can cast a shadow of doubt over an otherwise exciting time. When is it necessary? How long does it last? And what does it involve,...
Bank said No? Soldier on and Talk to a Broker

Bank said No? Soldier on and Talk to a Broker

Despite owning a growing business and supplementing his income with a pension from the ADF, former soldier Jake Briggs was told by his bank that he could not secure finance to purchase a home. So he found a broker who knew better. With his service in the army behind...
How to Pay Off Your Home Loan Faster and Save Big Bucks

How to Pay Off Your Home Loan Faster and Save Big Bucks

How to pay off your home loan faster and save big bucks Reducing the life of your loan isn’t difficult; there are many simple things you can do to cut years off your mortgage. Here are some tips that will help you be mortgage-free sooner than planned. One of the most...