To Fix or Not To Fix

To Fix or Not To Fix

If you have decided a fixed rate mortgage is the right choice for your home loan needs then it’s only a matter of choosing a lender. Interest rates, fees and repayments will be your main comparison features so start searching and comparing Australian mortgages. With a...
Reno Tips

Reno Tips

Clients often say to me: “We want to renovate our home. We need to re-stump the house or add another bedroom for the kids…and we do not have the cash available to pay for the work. How can we do it?” Waiting and saving the money to afford the work might be a sensible...
First Home Buyer Help

First Home Buyer Help

As property prices continue to rise, more and more Gen Ys are staying at home longer. If you think it’s time for your Gen Y child to fly the coop, here are a few options to give them a nudge in the right direction Faced with high house prices and the rising cost of...